Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I love seafood. I always have, I love clams, scallops (obviously), lobster, langoustines, crabs..... But king crabs have been a recent discovers, I have never tasted them before moving to Holland.
They are simply delicious.
They are not easy to find and they don't come cheap, but they are worth every effort.
Since I am not very familiar with them, at first I wasn't sure how to cook them without ruin their delicate sweet flavor....so I went for something safe: pasta :-)


serve 2

500 gr King crab (I know it's a lot but I like it soooo much :-)
150 gr pasta
1 onion (I have used French oignon allongé, their extremely sweet flavor goes very well with this dish)
Small handful parsley, finely chopped
2 tbsp Crème Fraiche d'Isigny (if you can find it, it makes the difference, otherwise substitute with a standard crème fraiche)

Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water according to pack instructions (I like it al dente so I always cook it two mins shorter than stated in the pack). Meanwhile, heat a knob of the butter in a frying pan. When it starts to sizzle, add the onion and fry for 5 min or until tender, then add the crabs and fry for 2-3 min, be careful not to overcook the crab. Swirl in the crème fraiche, season with salt and pepper, and then stir in the chopped parsley.
When the pasta is just cooked, drain and toss through the crab. Serve straightaway.

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