Sunday, December 6, 2009


I hate this weather. Cold, windy,'s impossible not to catch a cold.
In fact here I am again, with a box of kleenex on one hand and a box of paracetamol on the other trying to survive the day :-(
Since I am sick I need warm, comforting food and not the usual broodje gezond.
So it's going to be soup day.


1 broccoli (300gr) washed and chopped
1/2 onion roughly chopped
good quality extra virgin olive oil
bread and gorgonzola to serve

Cook the onion with butter or olive oil in a large pan until soft (about 5 minutes). Add the broccoli and cover with stock or hot water and simmer until tender (about 15 minutes). When the broccoli is cooked whizz to a smooth soup in a blender. Season then sprinkle some olive oil on top and serve with gorgonzola over toasted bread. Delicious!

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